
  • Interview with Yegan Mazandarani
  • Interview with 28Mag
  • Interview with Figurine TV @Lugdunum Miniature Show
  • Radio Interview FM4 
  • Forge World Character Series Interviews - Erebus & Kor Phaeron, Lorgar, Calas Typhon, Khârn the Bloody
EDGAR SKOMOROWSKI Magneto - Octobre 2019

Yegan : Bon on va se mettre comme ça. OK, Edgar test 1, 2, 3, OK c’est bon. Bonjour Edgar, nous sommes avec Edgar aujourd’hui ! (rires)

Edgar : Bonjour Yegan. (rires)


Ca me fait toujours marrer. Bon on commence. Tu fais de la figurine depuis combien de temps ?  

En pro, depuis 2010, à temps plein, et avant ça je l’ai fait en tant que freelance à côté des études.

Lugdunum Miniature Show 18-02-2007

This is pure nostalgia! I still had my dreadlocks and I think you can tell that I haven t slept much... It was at the Lugdunum Miniature Show in 2007 and I was staying with friends at Jeremie Bonamants and Allan Carrasco´s place.

Great times! :)

FM4 Interview 2007

FM4 Interview 2007

A short interview in german on the Austrian national radio station FM4 back in 2007. The model I'm talking about was Guerilla for Pulp City, done in Fimo and Green Stuff.

Back then Dégra was my username on a lot of forums and also became the name of my first small range of resin miniatures.

Forge World - Games Workshop 2010-2015

Below interviews on Youtube from 2013 as a Forge World Miniature Designer at Games Workshop.

At the time social media wasn´t a big thing and I didn´t know many people who were comfortable speaking in front of cameras... well, at least I wasn´t!

Rob the cameraman was incredible, not only he made sure I was telling the right things (He knew way more than I did about the lore...), but also reassured me.

I think a lot of creatives can relate to this, you spend hours and hours in the creative operating mode, headphones on, without speaking and then somebody comes along and tells you... come Edgar, let´s do a video and put in on youtube... aahhhhh hahaha :)

But I´m happy that these are still around, it´s a great memory of my time in Nottingham.